Miss A. Law, World Challenge Co-ordinator — Nov 1, 2018

here we come …..

On 2 December, 12 girls, Miss Young and Miss Law will finally be on their way to Thailand and Laos for an adventure of a life time. Eighteen months ago we all signed up for the World Challenge Expedition to Thailand and Laos.

The expedition is 21 days and will consist of a jungle trek, community project and rest and relaxation. The expedition is student-lead and will provide opportunities for self-discovery and personal growth. Some of our experiences will be eating fresh tasty Thai food, haggling at the night markets, using squat toilets, visiting temples, engaging with friendly local children, cruising around in little tuk tuks, fending off jungle insects, overnight train rides and sleeping in hammocks in the jungle!

Moments of frustrations, pushing our personal comfort zones as well as lots of fun and laughter is all part of the challenge that we are looking forward too.

The World Challenge team have worked hard to fundraise over the past year and a half. The team have also had to participate in fitness training, new language learning, workshops to develop leadership and budgeting skills, team bonding activities and an overnight training camp.

On behalf of the World Challenge team, we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone that has supported the trip including the PTSA and many of our local businesses.

Please follow our journey on our World Challenge facebook page


We commend all the girls and families for their personal commitment to the expedition. It has been a long and busy build-up to the trip but we are all very excited about the experiences to come.