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Rally driver Nikita Gibson

Nikita Gibson —

Recently I was fortunate enough to be selected to attend Rally New Zealand's co-driver academy in Auckland.

The Academy was fantastic not only in its own right but also for my advancement within the sport. The training consisted of top world level training for Co-Drivers driven by Alex and Rhianon Gelsomino who are both very highly regarded in their own rights. Within the three days of intense training, I was able to learn about procedures in:

Team management
FIA and championship regulations
Nutrition/ fitness
Mental health
How to write comprehensive pace note
Social media

... And the list continues!

Not only did I learn from the training  but I was also connected with a lot of people. The age range of the six successful applicants was from two 17-year-olds including myself to 51 and within  this range there was also varied experience and knowledge which I soaked up as much as possible. 

As a graduate of the Academy, I am now an ambassador for the course and plan to continue to teach co-drivers and drivers within the rallying community in Dunedin and lower South Island. This will allow me to pass on my knowledge in the hope of raising the level of skill for co-drivers within New Zealand and encouraging a better representative of our community on the world stage in the future.

I would like to thank the school for the support they have given me in recent times. This Academy has not only given me the confidence and drive to succeed within motor sport but I have learned things that I have noticed I can apply to every day and school life.