Edge Learning Support — Sep 24, 2020

The web addresses for the Caregiver and Student portals have recently been changed. You will be redirected to the new site once the change is made and can use the Forgot Password link to reset their password. 

Related to this, a number of Edge users will have their Edge password saved in their browser that is associated with the current web address. This cannot be carried over to the new web address. Because of this, if you are unsure of what your Edge password is, we encourage you to reset your password to a new one before the web address change. This can be done by clicking the Forgot Password link on the Edge login page after entering your usual Edge email. You will then be emailed the steps to change your existing password.NB. Create a complex password that you can remember and avoid noting it down. If you do change your password and are using the Edge Mobile app you will also need to:

Otherwise the app will work as usual after the web address update.This also applies to Caregivers and Students who are using the Edge Mobile App. If you have any queries please contact our Support team on support@edgelearning.co.nz or 0800 600 159.