Hero photograph
Linda Miller -Principal
Photo by Photolife

Principal's Report 

Ms L. Miller, Principal —

External NCEA examinations for senior students are drawing to an end.

All in all students I have spoken to after their examinations have been reasonably satisfied with their preparation for the exams and with how they have gone. The Level 1 Mathematics exam has been the source of much discussion through the media and has been almost universally condemned as having aspects that were much too difficult or overly complicated. Please be assured that teachers here have a good understanding of the students’ mathematical abilities and, while the external examinations are important, exams provide only part of the picture when determining whether or not students have met prerequisites for subjects next year. Subject confirmation will occur at the beginning of next year for all students going into the senior school. Each student and family will receive an appointment time to meet with their mentor, discuss their results and confirm their option choices. Any changes or clashes will be discussed at this meeting.

Next year we are moving to a new pastoral structure in the school with the implementation of Vertical Forms. The aim of this change is to provide even better pastoral care for our students with each girl being placed in whanau groups made up of students from each level in the school and having their mentor teacher as one of two whanau teachers who will be with them throughout the duration of their time at school. The whanau groups are organised by Houses with each house having seven vertical forms. There are many advantages to this model - increased interaction between students of different year levels, increased leadership opportunities for students at all levels, deeper relationships between student and mentor and between mentor and family as well as improved ease of running House meetings and greater opportunity to maintain and grow House spirit.

Students in Years 9 and 10 will still have “core” classes which will study English, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education and Mathematics together. Year 9 students will still have Peer Support but their leaders will come from their whanau groups and will be with them for the whole year.

Much research and thought has gone into developing this system. We have had the advantage of looking at what works well in many other schools that have this approach and we have worked to make it fit Otago Girls’. We anticipate there will be some tweaking and adjustment required but are confident that the outcome will be improved engagement and belonging for all girls.

Currently our Year 10 students are preparing for camp. These are just over a week away and will see our girls in locations that include Fiordland, Peel Forest and Central Otago. A huge amount of work goes into these camps to ensure the girls have a safe and enjoyable time and I would like to thank the staff who make this happen.

While Year 10 is on camp our Year 9 students will be taking part in a Project Based Learning module which will see them working in small groups on a problem. This will be a change from their usual routine and will provide opportunity for them to follow their interests as well as work collaboratively.