Fathimath Shiraani, University of Otago — Apr 4, 2019

My name is Fathimath Shiraani. I am conducting research as part of a Doctor of Philosophy degree under the supervision of Professor Neil Carr and Dr Gill Rutherford at the University of Otago.

The research focuses on the holiday experiences of children/young people (with disabilities) living in New Zealand. For this study, I would like to meet with children/young people with disabilities (aged 5 to 18 years), who have had a holiday experience in the past 12 months. A holiday here represents at least a weekend’s travel away from home within or outside New Zealand for the primary purpose of leisure. 

The research involves participants’ meeting with the researcher to share their holiday experiences. Before meeting the participants, an informal pre-meeting/conversation will be held with the parent(s)/whānau/caregiver(s) to schedule and prepare for the meeting. A one-off meeting will be arranged at a place and time that is convenient for the participants and their parent(s)/whānau/caregiver(s). The maximum allocated time for the meeting is 60 minutes. However, the length of the meeting will vary depending on participants’ consent, interest and availability. If a participant(s) require more interaction time, additional meetings (limited to two) will be organised with their approval. With permission, the meeting(s) will be audio or video recorded using a digital recording device. If any participant does not wish to be audio/video recorded, the meeting will be recorded in note form only. Participation in this study is completely voluntary, and the participants may withdraw at any stage or avoid answering questions that they feel uncomfortable about. No findings that could identify any individual participant will be published, and participants’ privacy will be protected at all times.

Please find attached a recruitment flyer in an Easy Read format.

Thank you very much for your consideration of this request. If you have any questions about the study, please contact Fathimath Shiraani on 03 479 9189 or email  fathimath.shiraani@postgrad.otago.ac.nz.

This project has been reviewed and approved by the University of Otago Human Ethics Committee.

Reference: 18/208

Please note: If the term 'children/young people with disabilities' is considered inappropriate I am happy to adapt to an acceptable alternative.