Hero photograph
Photo by Cheree Henderson

Esports at Triangular Exchange

Mr D Trickey, TIC Esports —

It was absolutely fantastic to take the esports team on junior exchange for the first time ever and enjoy Waitaki Girls' facilities. The hosting was fantastic and it was great to see the ākonga not only compete well but enjoy each others company, hepling with coaching and tactics. The first match was a best of 3 League of Legends game- though Waitaki has yet to beat Otago Girls', they almost did it in the first game. It took strong games from Kaida Rumble and Nathalie Chang to seize the first game.

The second match Otago Girls' were too sharp from the start and it was an easier win for the girls to take out the series. The second bout saw the ākonga in a best of 25 Valorant bout and Otago Girls' cleaned up 13-1.

It was awesome to see the ākonga have so much fun in a social and exciting environment. They look forward to further exchanges and hopefully seeing Waitaki at the upcoming tournament.