Sewmini Samuel, Year 12 — Oct 16, 2019

On the last Wednesday of Term Three the Year 12 PE girls assembled outside of school to embark on the trip to Moke Lake, Queenstown.

The location was perfect to put us through all the emotions. While the weather was not kind to us we carried on regardless with smiles on our faces. The cold and occasional snow storm certainly didn’t dampen any spirits as we continued on with our activities such as mountain biking, tramping and rafting. The only activities affected unfortunately due to snowfall was the overnight duo on Sam Summers loop and the kayaking which resulted in camping at More Lake for both nights. The challenging weather created opportunities for greater learning in regards to the safety management strategies we had to apply and reflect on for our internal.

Although it was bitterly cold, we got to experience some breathtaking sights and was surrounded by amazing scenery everywhere we looked. It was really refreshing to see all the girls come together and build new friendships. Whether it was the late-night card games or the van rides, we definitely had a few things to laugh about. Thank you to all the wonderful teachers and students that made camp a few days worth remembering.