Mrs R Bazsika, Career Education Leader — Sep 2, 2021

Whāia te iti kahurangi ki te tūohu koe me he maunga teitei - Seek the treasure you value most dearly: if you bow your head, let it be to a lofty mountain

Choosing Subjects

Choosing subjects for next year can be both exciting and challenging. To choose with confidence we would strongly recommend our students work through the steps below. Parents, you are a rich resource of advice and guidance so do take some time to go through this with them:

Step 1: Don’t rush it!

Take the time to discuss your subject choice ideas with whanau, mentors, deans and teachers

Step 2: Know your options

Students, you need to look through your subject choices. Use the discussion document on the Subject Selection page of the careers website to make a rough plan of your subject ideas and also to take note of what you need to study for those particular subjects (pre-requisites).

Step 3. Think about your abilities and interests at school by asking these questions

Step 5. How will my choices affect my future?

When making subject choices, students need to think about how their choices will affect their future career options and/or your future tertiary training options.

Step 6. Keep your career options open

Most people change their minds about what they want to do in the future. Interests and abilities will change over time, or you might find out about new careers that you have never heard of before. All students should try to study a wide range of subjects at school. This will give you more options later on.

Subject Information

Here is a link to the OGHS careers website which clearly outlines the subjects available at Otago Girls’. It may also be helpful to check out the subjects table to see which subjects can be studied in the senior school - subject table.

On the Subject Selection page, compulsory and option subjects are clearly explained with a link to a very good discussion document (downloadable) which students can use to draft out their ideas. Please take some time to chat with your young person about the subjects they are considering for next year. Your input and experience is very valuable! Subject selection will also be discussed with students in the next few weeks via their mentors, teachers and deans.

The EDGE portal opened on Monday for subject selection. To make their selections students will need to use a laptop or desktop computer to select subjects, as this function is not available on their phones.

If you have a question about a particular subject, in the first instance please contact the Head of the Department or Teacher In Charge of that subject.

The Careers Department are also happy to have a conversation with both parents and students so please feel free to contact us either via the careers website Contact Page or by email to Robyn Bazsika on

On Tuesday next week, the Heads of Department will be available to talk to the students in the hall from 1.20 pm until 2.10 pm. This will be an opportunity for you to discuss subject options for 2022 and beyond. There may be questions you have about pathways or prerequisites so come along!

Please take some time to go through the Careers site with your young person over the weekend. The deadline for option choosing is on the 27th of September in the last week of term.

Until then, all the best to our students as they work through this process.