Mr D Trickey, Clubs Coordinator — Jun 9, 2022

Clubs started with a bang this week and it was fantastic to see the ākonga (both students and teachers) seize opportunities to learn together.

Circus Arts

In Circus Arts, students are learning new skills and coordination as they learn to juggle, twirl, throw, and spin. It was incredible to see the joy this activity brought to ākonga as they worked together to develop these skills.

Skate Boarding

We were super proud to be able to offer the ākonga the chance to develop their skateboarding skills at school (Personally as I prefer seeing skateboarding highlights over Tik toks). Pavement Skateboard shop kindly let us borrow 9 Skateboards and helmets and volunteer Nina has also offered her time to coach the students. We are really lucky to have this level of community support. The teachers did not hold back on getting involved and developing their skills. Hopefully we are going to get to the Skate Park in the final two weeks. We look forward to seeing this and potentially we may look at having a regular skate meet at one of the skate parks to continue to support the growth of this awesome sport for our wahine.

Collaborative study

Collaboration is a key part of our malaga and it is fantastic to be able to offer the chance for our ākonga to have a chance to build these skills through our collaborative study time. This is a great time for ākonga to work on group projects and actively work on their collaborative skills that are highly sought after in the workforce.


The esports club in i-time clicked off and saw around 30 students signing up to participate and learn about competitive video gaming. Jordin Cherry, our first team captain was on hand to help new students into the games. During the past 3 years of developing our high school esports programme we have seen the ākonga develop strong leadership skills as well as developing an understanding of the digital curriculum, software and hardware development.