Hero photograph
Yasuda Welcome 

Principal's Report

Ms L. Miller, Principal —

Thank you to all our students, staff and the wider school community for supporting our Open Night last week. 

It is a wonderful opportunity to showcase our school and the pride and positivity the students have in Otago Girls’ was evident as they guided prospective families or took part in various department activities. The praise I have received for the school, students, staff and facilities has been effusive. It was also pleasing to receive praise on the cleanliness of the school. Thank you everyone for the input you had in this successful evening.

Please remember that enrolments for Year 9 students for next year close at 4pm next Thursday 17 August. It is imperative that all Year 9 applicants for 2018 meet this deadline.

On Wednesday we farewelled 30 Yasuda students and two staff who have been visiting our school over the past fortnight. Thank you to all the families who kindly hosted these students and gave them a taste of Kiwi life. The cross cultural relationships developed by both the Yasuda guests and their hosts continues to strengthen our long term friendship with Yasuda Girls’ High School in Hiroshima and gives our students an increasing global awareness.

Last night saw the staging of the inaugural Performing Arts showcase organised by the Otago Girls’ High School Arts Council and thanks must go to members of the school community for coming along to support this event. The evening showcased the talents and diversity of many of our students as they performed in the fields of dance, drama, and various musical endeavours. Many of the students were undertaking the Performance component of their NCEA subjects and the support they were given by the audience helped settle their nerves.

The Arts Council has organised a second fundraiser event for next week with their Fashion Show, kindly sponsored by Farmers, taking place on Thursday 17 August. There are further details elsewhere in this newsletter and it would be great to see continuing community support for this event.

Good luck to our Year 13 PE girls and staff who are away on their cross country ski trip next week. I know they will enjoy themselves and their positivity will shine through.