Mrs S Porter, Assitant Principal — Apr 7, 2021

Every day at school matters. The goal for our students is to be attending at least 90% of the time, which allows for some illness or other absences. This level of attendance is the recommended threshold for students to have the best chance of achieving well academically. Low attendance rates can adversely affect a student's academic achievement. The continuity of learning is maintained if students come to school each day and attend all of their classes. Social connections are also made and strengthened by being at school in a face to face setting. If your child is unwell for a period of three consecutive days, then we require a medical letter/certificate from a health professional to justify their absence. We have been finding that some students have been arriving late to school because they are spending time in cafes or supermarkets after getting off their bus in the mornings. School begins at 8:50am, so students need to build in purchasing and walking time into their morning routine, so they make it to school on time.

Please inform the school office regarding any absences. If your child is unwell, please notify Mrs Jill Grant (Attendance Officer) as soon as possible in the morning. You can use the School App Absentee notification, call 4729727 or email  If you use the School App Absentee notification, please be aware that what you write as the reason/explanation for an absence forms part of your child's attendance notes. This can be viewed on our system by staff. If this is sensitive information, you may want to consider the phrasing and detail you provide via this mode. The Assistant Deans track the weekly attendance rates of students at each year level. They will make contact with you if attendance patterns begin to emerge and are a cause for concern. We appreciate your support regarding attendance matters.