Taylor McLean, 11 Outdoor Education — Jun 16, 2022

We arrived at school on the fresh, crisp morning of Thursday the 9th of June, burdened with heavy bags and sleepy feet. After sorting out gear we piled into the vans. The ride went by in a flash and before we knew it, we were unloading the bikes and clipping up helmets. Fingers coldly gripped the handle bars as we began our first bike ride, the sun beginning to peek out. The trails were beautiful and varied from boggy plank covered tracks to pine sprinkled forest paths. The rest of the day consisted of falls and bruises, laughs and cheers as we got up hills and absolute exhaustion as we arrived at the cabins in Ranfurly. Dinner called enticingly and we got to work, delighting in the hot food that warmed us up. To finish off the night, after chatting lots, we entertained each other with a game of spotlight, with many creative hiding spots (including under caravans and in bushes and small trees.) After that we tiredly brushed our teeth and flicked off the lights, pillows embracing our sore bodies.

Bright and early the next morning we set to work, making breakfast and packing lunches. The bike ride started off cold, the seats frosted over and wet, but before we knew it we were on our way again. We didn't have nearly as much time as last time but we still got around a hefty part of the track that saw us finishing up with some gnarly tracks on a place called the sandpit. All too soon the bikes were back on the racks, we had said our thank you’s, and we were on the road home. After a quick pit-stop for some chips and ice cream, we arrived back at school. Thank you to Miss Ward, Mrs Matthews, Mr Verall and Miss Hickey our student teachers, and Sylvie and Matt (volunteers) for all of your organisation and encouragement.

I think I can vouch for everyone when I say we had the most amazing time. If you are considering taking up Outdoor Education, please let this be the deciding factor, because you will definitely not regret it.