Introducing our School Council Prefect
Hi, my name is Hannah King and I'm the head Council Prefect for 2018.
I am so excited to take on my prefect role for this year, and I aim to really establish the School Council and make it more prominent within the school. As of now, the OGHS School Council is a group of OGHS students who are wanting to make a difference for others within the school. This year, the councillors were selected by application by house groups. We have two juniors and two seniors from every house on the School Council, excluding the head council, and council prefects. These students will be notified next week. The four council prefects are Sara Taha, Hannah Moore, Ilana Goossens, and Lucy Pollock. In the past, the School Council has been responsible for organising the murals that decorate the tunnel that leads to the gym, the International Food Festival, the Staff Member of the Week award, and of course, the annual Hot Cross Buns Fundraiser. Currently, we are in the process of carrying out this fundraiser, and would love it if everyone could try their best and sell as many hot (or chocolate) cross buns as possible. This is a house competition, and additionally, the top seller from each house will get a prize. If the fact that one dollar from each pack sold will go back to you as the students wasn't incentive enough then hopefully that is. If everyone sold just two packets each, then that would raise $1600 to run events and improve the school.
We have had a wonderful range of applications for funds, and there have been so many awesome ideas suggested in terms of new school events or goals. We can't wait to see these come to life over the course of the year. In general, we aim to promote wellbeing for students at OGHS and help the school become the best it can be by making sure that the student voice is heard. If you have an idea for our school, please come and speak to me, or anyone else that is part of the student council. Please remember to get your hot cross bun forms back to the office by Tuesday March 20th!! (Next Week). Thank you.