Mrs S. Porter, Assistant Principal — Feb 4, 2021

Getting back into routine after a long summer break can be challenging with regard to sleep patterns.

Recent research regarding wellbeing has found that sleep quality is a key factor in improving wellbeing. Dr Damien Scarf from Otago University co-authored the study and found that sleep is critical to improving mental health and depression. The impact that social media has on sleep quality was also examined in the study. Stopping social media actually made participants sleep better. They were getting better quality sleep when they were disconnected. Turning on airplane mode was one way to stop being tempted to use social media. It is important for teenagers to get a good amount of sleep for better mental health. Parents can support their children to wind down before bed in order to maximise their chances of getting a good night's sleep. Below are links to a Radio NZ interview and the research study which discuss the findings in more depth.

A Good Night's Sleep Could Be the Key to Keeping Teens Happy

Research Study