SVA Service Awards
SVA is an education charity run for students, by students, focused on providing meaningful volunteering opportunities for primary, secondary and tertiary aged young people in Aotearoa.
For all information go to www. and look at the Secondary Schools' section for ideas on how to volunteer and help others. It is easy for students to register and start logging their volunteer hours and the school gets sent badges which will be awarded on our return to school. You can even log hours in retrospect and could spend time organising or planning future volunteering. Maybe students could have their own zoom meetings for groups like Amnesty and Enviroschools that they are involved in already to come up with ideas.
There are plenty of ‘from home’ suggestions for right now - phoning grandparents or elderly neighbours, babysitting younger siblings in your bubble if your parents are essential workers and you are over 14, posting fun stuff for others in your Whanau Group Classroom, giving online tutoring or making cool videos/ posters/ TED talks/ Spoken Word for a good cause, recording music to post for others, making and sending cards to rest homes, reading or recording (or even writing) stories for small children you know, online Jump Jam with the neighbours’ children … the ideas are endless - contribute more here.
Several girls are already in this scheme and some have achieved Silver Level already so get on board now.