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Ski Trip 2020

Ski Trip

Miss M Young, Ski Trip Coordinator —

The ski fields are looking fabulous with lots of snow this week in Central Otago. We are excited about our annual school ski trip to the Remarkables and Coronet Peak fields, on August 27th - 30th. This is four fantastic days of skiing or snowboarding. Each day, students participate in a 90-minute lesson with professional instructors, then are free to enjoy the remainder of the day with their friends. The ski trip is open to all students from Year 9 -- Year 13, and all levels of ability (beginners to advance). Last year due to Covid Alert Levels, we unfortunately had to cancel the ski trip. This was the first time ever, in over 30 years! So this year ..... we are going to make it happen, and we want all of you to come and join the fun! Gather your friends and start saving now. Further information will be shared soon. Watch this space ......