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2021 Rugby Season Information

Miss T Ward, TIC Rugby —

Pre-season training has started for the year, and it is great to see many new players keen to play. Thank you to all players who have completed their school registration and New Zealand rugby registration forms.

Trainings are on Mondays and Wednesdays 3:45 to 5pm at the Kensington Oval.

When the school competition starts next term trainings will just be on Mondays, with games on Wednesdays at the University Oval/Logan Park.

The Rugby 7’s competition will start on Wednesday 19th May.

Rugby 15’s/10’s will start on Wednesday 23rd June. (Fees $25)

It is important fees for rugby 7’s ($15) are paid before the end of Term One if you wish to play. Please see Miss Ward as soon as possible, if there are any issues with this.

Players will be supplied with school rugby jerseys, however will need to supply their own navy shorts, boots, mouth guard and purchase school socks for $15. Payment for socks should be paid to the main school office and receipt taken to the gym to the Sports Coordinator or PE teacher to collect the socks.

Competition draws will be posted on the Rugby Google Classroom which students can access at school or home.

Players will be transported to games via the school vans, however players will need to be collected by caregivers afterwards.

To look after the well-being of our players we will continue to participate in the concussion management programme facilitated by the New Zealand Rugby union. This involves players completing baseline testing at the start of the season and attending an education programme on Wednesday 14th April at lunchtime in G70 - Gym

If you have any questions about anything related to rugby this year please do not hesitate to contact Miss Ward (TIC of Rugby)