Ms K Dick, Assistant Principal — May 19, 2021

As we head into the chilly winter months and winter colds are to the fore, it's a good time to remember what to do if you miss an assessment.

Absence from assessment (Blue assessment form – available from office or look online on the School Wide Classroom)

If you are absent on the day an internal assessment is due for handing in, ask a family member to bring it to the office by 8.45am with the name of the subject teacher on the front.

If you are absent on the day an internal assessment is being held in the classroom you are not automatically entitled to catch up this assessment. For practical or fieldtrip assessments there may be no catch up opportunity.

A catch up assessment would not be available if:

You need to supply evidence and a completed blue assessment form (available from the office). The blue assessment form needs to be given to your subject teacher who will pass it on to your Dean, who will, in turn, give it to Ms. Dick for processing. You can find the online form on the School-Wide Classroom. Look for “Classwork” then click on Assessment. Each case is considered on its own merit. You do not necessarily need a medical certificate if you are absent because of illness. A letter from your caregiver will suffice.

Each case is considered on its own merit.