Hero photograph
Year 10 Science 

Year 10 Science Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua

Deanna Luskie and Mrs Beaman —

On Tuesday 21 November 10MRT and a few other science students went on a trip to Quarantine Island with Mrs Beaman, Dr Philips and Mrs Millar. 

Upon arrival, everyone was eager to head up hill onto the property to learn about the history of this supposedly haunted area. Quarantine Island/Kamau Taurua was used as a quarantine station for the early colonists in the 1860’s and 1870’s. We were lucky to be able to see the old Married Quarters, the old hospital ruin, the cemetery and to experience the native busy on the island. Along with the history lesson we got to go bird watching, plant native trees, learn about the predator control programmes and last but not least to have fun. Our biggest highlights were being with people we don’t usually hang out with, the boat ride and singing the Welcome Table acapella style in the island chapel. That was beautiful girls! Thanks to the wonderful island host Dries and our nature specialists Jillian, Ash and Debbie for helping out.