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Otago Girls' High School


Ms K Dick, Deputy Principal - October 26, 2023

Thursday evening this week saw the school in full song at our annual Celebration event at Knox Church. We cherish our ties to the Scots who worked tirelessly to establish a school for girls under the guidance of Miss Learmonth White Dalrymple. Celebration is always a festive affair with moving readings from our Speechfest winners and numerous performances from our stunning musicians, choristers, instrumentalists, and cultural groups. The highlight, of course, is always the Year 13 medley, and this year they did not disappoint. Impeccably choreographed with lots of nods to memes, vines, and TikToks, the medley wove in some hilarious soundbites and songs from Year 13's 'youth'. After the last couple of weeks of practice, the school sang with vigour and huge house spirit. Thank you to Mr. Shields, Dr. Martin, Mr. Sinclair McLaren, and all the invaluable staff involved behind the scenes. It was timely to remember to Celebrate the Every Day!