Physedder of the Fortnight 

Mrs M. Clements, HOD Physical Education —

Congratulations to these students for displaying the school values. 

Year 13 - Leah Billyard (13Dr): For her excellent independent work habits in class to complete set work and her commitment to PE Scholarship tutorials.

Year 12 - Jenna Thorne (12Hsu): For demonstrating amazingly powerful one handed shots at goal during our handball games.

Year 11 - Hahna Nichols (11Hi): For being a positive student in both theory and practical lessons. Hahna is working exceptionally hard to improve her inline skating skills.

Year 10 - Tayla McEwan (10Mrt): For always being on time, wearing the correct uniform and participating with enthusiasm and energy.

Year 9 -  Mridula Mannan (9Jsd): For consistently demonstrating the correct techniques of the overhead clear and drop shot during the Badminton unit.

Outdoor Education -  Mikayla Jope (13Outdoor Education): For demonstrating perseverance and hard work to achieve her kayak roll!!