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Attendance – Every Day Counts

Mrs S Porter, Deputy Principal —

In New Zealand learners are expected to attend school every day the school is open. The Ministry of Education has established new targets for school attendance and they have divided attendance rates into four categories.

Regular attendance = 90% +

Irregular attendance = 80-90%

Moderate attendance = 70-80%

Chronic attendance = Below 70%

The 2024 target for schools is to have at least 70% of their students attending 90%+ of the time. Reducing chronic attendance rates to only 5% of the school’s roll is also a focus. Currently, we have some more work to do to ensure we reach these targets.

Image by: Cheree Henderson

Attendance affects wellbeing

Going to school is important for learners’ wellbeing. The research shows that frequent non‐attendance is associated with worse wellbeing outcomes, including school work‐related anxiety, decreased sense of belonging, fewer friendships with peers, exposure to online bullying, and feeling like teachers are being unfair. The relationship between attendance and wellbeing works both ways: poor wellbeing leads to poor attendance, and poor attendance leads to poor wellbeing. (Source - Ministry of Education 2022)

We want to help to reduce any barriers associated with attending school. Please let us know if there are any issues that we can support you with regarding your young person’s attendance. The more we know about any barriers, the more we can proactively try to address these. Feel free to contact the year level dean to discuss any attendance concerns you might have.

Students and their parents can monitor their attendance rate on the EDGE system.

Please remember to email, phone (471 9727 direct line to Attendance Officer), or use the School App to report any absences. The Attendance Officer is Mrs Jill Grant jg@otagogirls.school.nz

Absences are divided into two categories by the Ministry of Education - Justified or Unjustified (but explained). Justified absences include illness, sporting or cultural trips/school field trips/camps, medical appointments, work experience and bereavements. Holidays during term time are classified as unjustified absences. Any communication regarding extended periods of absence should be shared with your child’s year level dean.

If your young person is away for longer than three days, please email a copy of a medical letter from your GP or other health professional to Mrs Grant for our school records jg@otagogirls.school.nz

Working together, we hope to ensure as many students as possible attend school regularly. Thank you for your on-going support in this area.