Physedder of the Fortnight

Mrs M. Clements, HOD Physical Education —

Congratulations to these students for displaying the school values. 

Year 13: Meg Ballantyne (13Dk): For being super organised in preparation for the cross country ski trip and participating positively in all practical sessions.

Year 12: Ilana Goossens (12Bth): For demonstrating determination and perseverance during our training sessions for Handball.

Year 11: Emily Williams - Davies (11Ot): For her amazing perseverance in skating and making big improvements over the last two weeks.

Year 10: Talisa Pelser (10Crl): For achieving with Excellence in her Sport Science test, always having the correct gear and participating with enthusiasm to a high level. Awesome effort Talisa. Rawe!

Year 9: Maryangel Fretton (9Trk): For demonstrating good power and technique for her overhead clears during the Badminton unit.

Outdoor Education: Maren Kronsbein (11Mky): For her positive participation and focus to do her best in the Kayaking Unit.