Whaea Jo Hunter — Mar 9, 2016

Please read below for all of our news

He Pänui Whänau 

Kia whakaute, kia hihiri, kia pono!

Ko Whänaupaki te mauka

Ko Aramoana te au tai

Ko Kä  Moana e Rua te tümü

Ko Toitü  te puna wai mäori.

Ko Araiteuru te marae o kä  hau e whä ,

Ko Käi Tahu te mana whenua.

Ko te Kura Tuarua o Kä  Kõtiro o 

Ötäkou tõ  tätou kura

Te kura tuatahi o te tuakoi tonga kia whakanui te mana wahine

I whakatüria te papa whenua e kärika mauheretia o Pakakohe

Nä  te kaha o ka wahine tïpuna o Kotimana te whariki o te whare

Ko te püpü  wahaka te waka mauri

Mä  te matauraka ka tü  teitei te tõtara

Tïhei mauri ora!

School focus for Mäori student achievement for 2016:

1. Make plans together with our whänau and äkonga to set learning goals

2.  Äkonga Mäori achieve all their learning goals

We expect all our girls to take an active part in learning at school and home.

Our three Positive Behaviour for Learning principles, Kia Whakaute (respect), Kia Hihiri (positivity) and Kia Pono (integrity), along with Kaitiakitaka, (guardianship) Manaakitaka (hospitality) Whanaukataka (relationships) and Tino Rakatirataka (self-determination) are woven into all that we do.

Hui Tuäkana, Hui Tēina – Senior and Junior Form times for Mäori students:

Held on alternate fortnights to encourage our girls’ learning and to celebrate their achievements. We begin with karakia, we share kai and we have a kõrero.

Whänau get–together:

Whänau and staff got to mihi and talk about what we all do to support our äkonga. Thanks to Te Wairua Pühou for entertaining us and to Autumn Scarf-Matthews who spoke on behalf of the group about what they want to do this year.

Kapa Haka:

Practice times are Wednesday lunchtimes with our tutor Te Rina Keogh and Thursday after school with our tutor Kaharau Keogh (combining with our brothers from Otago Boys’ High School)

A short hui with whänau who want to be part of a support group is called for next Thursday 17 March at 5 pm in the OGHS hall following practice.

Otago Museum is planning a performance of waiata and kapa haka on Sunday 1 May 1-3pm to support the Häkui: Women of Käi Tahu exhibition, which closes on Sunday 8 May. We have been invited to perform at this event.

Mäori classes:

While Matua Mac is on leave Whaea Melissa is working with our Year 13 Tikanga class and Whaea Joe is working with Year 9 Reo Mäori. Our reo students have been working on the school pepeha that you see above.

Whänau and NCEA workshop:

6 pm Tuesday 12 April in OGHS Library, this is run by Angeline Kiore, our Senior Advisor for Parents, Families and Whänau for the Ministry of Education. It’s a hands-on session to share information and build for success.

Te Rauawa o te Pahī:

The following gifted and talented Mäori students have succeeded in their applications for this residential marine science programme run by the University of Otago and the Runanga o Ngai Tahu. 

Äkonga will work on a group project mentored by a postgraduate student and will stay at Otäkou Marae and Kamau Taurua (Quarantine Island). Kei runga noa atu koutou!

Lily Roberts, Chloe Turner, Phoenix Taniora, Tiamana Bird

Manu Kōrero:

The  Ötäkou/Murihiku regional event is on Friday 24June at the Civic Theatre, Invercargill. We will be starting with the Senior Impromptu first again.

Topics –


-New world, new values?

-When I learn Te Reo Mäori, I learn about me.

-Time waits for no one.

-To teach me you must know me.

-Future focused, ancestrally driven.

-Our people are our wealth.

-Mobilising the Mäori nation get up, stand up!

-My Mäori culture, my holistic being.

-It’s your attitude not your aptitude that determines your altitude.

-Don’t be afraid to do something different.


-Me mate te tikanga e ora ai te tikanga?

-Ko ngä  pätü   o tõku whare ko aku tikanga Mäori.

-He  änga onamata, hei aronga anamata.

-He ao hou, he ao hangarau!

-Kotahi rau tau ki mua, ka pëhea te reo me 

õna tikanga mõ  aku uri?

-E koro, e kui, mäku koe e tiaki i tõ  koroheketanga.

-Kotahi tonu te hiringa e kake ai au ki te …

-Homai he rä  .

-Te käkano i ruia mai i Rangiätea – manaakitia!

-Ko mäua ko taku hoe …

-Tënä   koutou katoa,

I am writing to inform you of the On Campus Experience (OCE), which is a wonderful opportunity for Year 13 secondary school Mäori students to explore the University of Otago, and the city of Dunedin. Students will have the opportunity to attend lectures in their areas of interest, as well as meet academic staff and current students. They will experience life in a Residential college, and will meet the Mäori Centre staff who provide great academic support, and pastoral care for Mäori students when they arrive at the University of Otago.

The OCE is a fully funded initiative which grants each successful applicant accommodation, meals, and activities. Entries are sought from full time Year 13 students of Mäori descent, who are currently enrolled in a New Zealand secondary school, and are considering studying at the University of Otago in 2017.

All applicants should be students who are completing an academic programme at secondary school level, which will allow them to meet University Entrance (UE) requirements.

Date: 8-11 May 2016

Applications close: 25 March 2016 (5pm)

For more information please consult the link below:


Applicants may post, email or fax completed application forms to:

Please post applications to:

Matt Matahaere

University of Otago, Office of Mäori Development

Centre for Innovation

PO Box 56 Dunedin 9054