Praise Hola and Andie McGrouther, Sports Prefects — October 11, 2023
On Wednesday 11th of October we held our annual Sports Blues awards to acknowledge and recognise the many talented athletes and their sporting achievements here at Otago Girls' High School.
The night was full of yummy food, good laughs, emotional speeches and amazing awards being presented. Our incredible ex-student Maddy Campbell was our guest speaker. She shared all about her journey throughout her time at Otago Girls', the triumphs and downfalls in her sporting career and finished it off with inspiring and heartfelt advice for our future athletes.
It was awesome to see people mixing and mingling and having fun- and fantastic to see all our talented individuals being recognised for their hard work and dedication to sports. As the saying goes: you do the mahi, you get the treats.
We would like to thank our families, friends, staff and classmates who came to the awards ceremony to celebrate sporting success within our school. We would also like to thank Ms. Hokianga for organising the whole night- without her our Sports awards would not happen. We would also like to thank Briana Pollock for her wonderful photography, capturing beautiful moments. Thank you to Ms Sharp for her catering, we’re pretty certain all the food plates were empty by the time the ceremony finished. And we are extremely grateful to Stacey Smith (Year 10) who did a marvellous job with IT. Thank you to everyone who made this night possible, we are extremely grateful.
We would also like to thank everyone who attended for making our last Sports Blues awards as the Sports Prefects memorable and a beautiful way to conclude our sporting journey here at Otago Girls'.
Again, congratulations to all award recipients and talented individuals for your hard work. You all deserve the recognition and awards you have received.
That’s us- your Sports Prefects- signing out for 2023.
Thank you.