Linda Miller

Principal's Report

Ms L. Miller, PrincipalOctober 25, 2018

Last night we held our Cultural and Academic Blues Awards evening. This was a wonderful showcase and celebration of the opportunities we provide at Otago Girls’ and the talent that exists among our students and staff.

The range and calibre of performances was truly amazing with many original pieces among the offerings. Among the entertainment was Hermione Hai playing the zheng, items from our orchestra, choir, jazz band, Pasifika group and kapa haka, performances from students learning music, dance and drama, and displays of visual art and textiles projects. Also included was an address from ex-student Madison Kelly who spoke about how she has integrated her science and visual arts degrees to find her passion and make a difference in the world. Her particular area of interest is endangered species and she is using her art to advance the work of environmentalists and ecologists in protecting and saving creatures such as the kaki - black stilt. Madi’s address was both inspirational and aspirational and illustrated the value of drawing on multiple disciplines. Thank you to all who contribute to making Otago Girls’ a vibrant and supportive environment in which our students can explore their identity, culture and passions through the visual and performing arts.

The awarding of Scholar Blues is an opportunity to celebrate academic success in the school. At the beginning of the year we award Scholar Blues for our top academic performances in the NCEA examinations. Last night we awarded students who had achieved top performances in national competitions and events throughout the year.

Today the Otago Daily Times featured an article on changes to our school uniform from next year. This involves the introduction of pants as an optional uniform item. The formal school uniform will continue to be the kilt and students will still need to purchase both the kilt and the summer skirt. From next year students may choose to wear the pants, along with the appropriate blouse and blazer, when formal dress is not required. The pants will be available at our usual uniform suppliers: H & J Smith and NZ Uniforms. Please note that only the approved pants, as sold by these two providers, may be worn. The change was the result of much work on the part of our student council. Hannah King, our Head of School Council, put together a well researched and considered proposal which Sabrina Swerdloff (student representative on the Board of Trustees) presented and spoke to at the Board level. After much consideration about our history and tradition, the importance of promoting physical activity and inclusiveness among our students, and the role of clothing options in allowing this, the Board made the decision to incorporate the pants into our uniform. This is social action at work and it is great to see our young women apply their knowledge of how organisations operate and use the avenues available to them to bring about meaningful change that benefits others.

As mentioned previously, our annual Celebration Service will be held on Tuesday 30th November. Please be advised that as this is a very popular event and family members will need to get there in plenty of time to secure seats. I look forward to seeing you there. 

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