Tumuaki Korero

Tumuaki —

It is hard to believe that this is the final newsletter for this year. The year has simply flown by! With the last two weeks upon us now, it certainly is a time that is jam-packed with activities and final things to do.

Everyone has worked very hard throughout the year. Staff are currently completing all reporting to let you know in writing of your child’s progress. Written reporting is something that all educators are currently considering in terms of how it adds value to the overall education experience. Reporting may well change and look different over the next year or two. Our Community of Learning (CoL of 17 schools) is certainly examining this together during 2019.

As the year draws to a close, I have reflected on all that has been achieved during the year. We now have fully developed Play Based through to Project Based Learning programme that supports a focus on growing the key skills of Communication, Collaboration and Critical thinking in our students. This has been developed right across our school teams up to the Senior Student who have made some major shifts in their ability to demonstrate these capabilities.

Our Collaborative practice approach in teams has strongly changed the dynamics and built confidence in students to be able to work alongside other students (not just their friends), and to work on how they might solve some big, real life problems together.

It was exciting to see our student leaders stepping up and using their initiative to achieve a slightly different look with Year 8 Hoodies. Look out for more discussions and developments in the Senior school throughout next year.

The finalising of our Property plan with the Ministry and addition of some extra property money from them means the removal and addition of new spaces next year. This is great news but will mean some disruptions next year when people have to move to new spaces within the school temporarily.

There have been many many other things that we are celebrating including the successes of the PTA and their work this year, including the new Ohoka Fest which looks set to grow into a major local event going forward. We thank the PTA and all of you for your support in all fundraising endeavours.

Most importantly it has been an absolute pleasure watching the students of Ohoka School work and play together so well this year using the 3R’s and increasingly learning to generally cooperate and problem solve effectively. To finish, here is a story that one of the teachers shared with me last week, when she had overheard a couple of young students speaking about what colours can be made when mixed together.

‘So what if you mix Green and Red?’ asks one of the other.

‘XMAS!’ was the exasperated response.

To those returning, we look forward to seeing you in the new year. To those leaving us, we wish you all the best going forward. Please stay in touch with your friends at Ohoka School.

On behalf of all of the staff I would like to wish you all a wonderful, safe, hopefully warm and sunny holiday-break together. We hope you have a special time and make some very special memories together with your families and friends.

Kym Scown, Principal.