Hero photograph
Te Pōkai Kārearea
Photo by pixabay.com

Te Pōkai Kārearea

Te Pōkai Karearea —

We have had a great start to the year in Te Pōkai Kārearea

These past two weeks we have been busy doing lots of fun things and working on our respect in class and morning tea and lunchtime.

The first week we were set a challenge to build a marble run the whole class participated and we set ourselves into random groups of 3 or 2 and then joined the tracks together to create two big ones that we have had to fix multiple times because of design flaws.

Every Tuesday the year 7 and 8’s go to tech the year 7’s are currently doing woodworks and the year 8’s are currently doing sewing. In woodwork we made spatulas and in sewing we made mini needle pillows.

In maths we are doing a trip around the world where we have to plan a trip with imaginary money and travel to different places like London, Rome or even just Wellington! We could choose to do singles or pairs where everybody had fifteen thousand dollars single or thirty thousand dollars together.

We also did art based on Sandra Silberzweig. The special kind of art is abstract. She had a disability called synesthesia, that's what makes her art so abstract. This week we have been using this art style to make our own portraits like Sandra Silberzweig.

By Charlie and Lukas