Jude Edwards — Oct 13, 2019

The audience was entertained by the fantastic variety of topics delivered by our speech finalists at this year's competition held at the end of last term.

Congratulations to the overall winner, Daniel Lough, who thoroughly engaged the audience speaking very knowledgeably about nuclear weapons. 

Daniel was also 1st for the Year 7/8 category.  With a rousing speech about Rugby, Joe Hassan came 2nd  and 3rd was Tom Wells with his speech about Space Exploration.

In the Year 5/6 category, Billy Gooch had us all in the palm of his hand with his very humorous speech weighing up the pros and cons of being a child versus an adult. Billy took out first place with Sophie McKeever coming 2nd for her speech contrasting summer and winter with Ben Lough 3rd for his speech about Karate.

We are really proud of our amazing public speakers. Well done to all of our finalists!