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by Ohoka Office

Principal Korero

Ōhoka School - February 6, 2024

Kia ora koutou,

I hope you all had fantastic Waitangi Day! We were lucky with the weather, even if it was a little cloudy!

Thank you very much to all those who attended the Check and Connect hui last week. The teachers very much appreciated being able to touch base with you and get to know your child, prior to the year starting back. 

On Monday, we held our mihi whakatau. We welcomed 7 new students and whānau as well as Casey Brown, Jane Newton and myself. We welcome you all to our school and hope you settle in well.

On Wednesday 21 February we are holding our Welcome Back Fish and Chip Evening here at school 5 - 6.30pm. This will be held in the Weka/Junior grassed area. The main purpose of the evening is to just get together as a school community. There will be a chance to have a look through the classrooms if you wish and we will hold some games on the senior field. It is BYO fish n chips (or picnic of your choice), rugs and chairs. This will be cancelled if weather does not permit.

Our school assemblies will be held on Thursday afternoons in weeks 4, 6, 8 and 10 (Thursday 22 February, 7 March, 21 March, 4 April). We have changed the day (from a Friday) due to sports coaching every odd week and Year 7&8 students who now have technology on a Friday every other week. Assemblies will start at 2pm.

Just a note about rising COVID cases in our community. Over the last week there have been many positive cases. If your child or children are unwell please keep them at home.

At the end of last year the bus company who provided our school transport was bought out by Tranzit Coachlines New Zealand. Nothing has changed in regards to the eligibility, bus routes, timings etc - everything will be the same! Important reminders to all students who take the bus to and from school;

• Please be patient. The first few weeks back at school can take time for the school bus runs to settle in. There is always extra traffic on the roads at this time of year and for the first two or three weeks, high volumes of passengers are on our buses before school activities and commitments begin.

• If you have any concerns about bus pick-ups or drops-offs, please talk to the school first. In turn, the school will contact Tranzit directly with any concerns or feedback.

• Check out our school bus safety videos:

Staying Cool on the School Bus

Best Bus Behaviour

20kmph past a school bus:

It’s also important to remember what your individual responsibilities are when driving vehicles near schools or school buses:

• When driving past a stationary school bus the speed limit is 20kmph both ways;

• When driving behind a school bus please note they must come to a complete stop at an uncontrolled railway crossing – so be prepared to stop too;

• All school buses carrying passengers must slow down and must stop at a controlled railway crossing, so please watch your travelling distance and be prepared to stop too;

• Passengers will load and unload from the front door of a bus, so please pass with caution at the correct speed of 20kmph.

Many thanks everyone and have a super week!

Nāku noa, nā

Amy O'Kane