Hero photograph
Photo by Principal Okains Bay School

Okains Bay School newsletter Term 3 Week 9

Principal Okains Bay School —

Take a sneak peek into what has been happening in the coolest little school in New Zealand. Newsletter attached...

Tēnā koutou katoa,

Planting day at Okains Bay School:
A huge THANK YOU to those who came to our planting day on Sunday. Not only was this day great for doing the mahi but also was a great way of connecting with others.
Come along to our next community event, a potluck dinner, on Saturday 7 October.

Pet Day at Okains Bay:
Wednesday 20 September is PET DAY at Okains Bay School. Please keep this day free and come along for a visit. A copy of the timetable is attached to this newsletter.

Famous Okains Bay School raffle:

We are holding our famous OB school raffle with some amazing prizes to win! All you need to do is nominate your number(s) you require and pay online. The raffle will be drawn as soon as all of the tickets are sold- which wont take long. Get in quick!!
Tickets range from 1-500.
Our bank details are: 12-3148-0263863-00
Please reference with your name.
You can email the school office with your numbers. office@okainsbay.school.nz

End of term assembly:

Our end of term assembly will be held on THURSDAY 21 September at 2pm. An afternoon tea will follow this. Everyone is most welcome to come along.

Te rangimarie ki a koutou,
 Colin, Lisa, Amour, Krystal and Deb