Hero photograph
Photo by Principal Okains Bay School

Okains Bay School Newsletter Term 4 Week 6

Principal Okains Bay School —

Take a sneak peek into what has been happening in the coolest little school in New Zealand.

Camp to Woodend:
Our exciting camp to Woodend Christian Camp is a few days away, and everyone is getting super excited. A reminder that the cost for camp is $50. Can this please be paid by Wednesday. The school bank account is 12-3148-0263863-00. Contact Krystal if you need to set up a payment plan.

We will depart our kura at 9:00 am on Wednesday and our first stop will be at Margaret Mahy Playground. From there we will travel to Pines Beach for the Tuhaitara trail walk to Woodend, which is around an hour long.

Akonga have been discussing rules for our camp and investigating who they would like to be in their bunk rooms. They may talk to you about who they would like in their room with them.

Camp concert:
As per most of our camps, the last night is our camp concert night. Please let me know if your child has any ideas of what they would like to do as part of this. They can work individually or in groups. We will spend time this at kura as well.

Swimming in our wonderful pool:

We are so lucky to have our school pool up and running early in the season. Thank you so much to Carol and Lester for spending endless hours preparing our pool so that we can dip in on hot sunny summer days!
Have a great week everybody.

Nga mihi nui,
Colin, Lisa, Krystal and Deb