Hero photograph
Farewell to Ange Batt
Photo by Omokoroa No.1 School


Omokoroa No.1 School —

Ange Batt

It is with sadness that I am leaving Omokoroa #1 School at the end of Term 1.  

I have been given an opportunity to work at Southern Produce based in Te Puna in their admin team. This will offer me professional development and growth which is exciting and I'm looking forward to my new challenges.

I will miss Omokoroa #1 School and my Omok School family - both collegues and school families.  I have enjoyed working at Omokoroa #1 School and being part of the team. 

I would like to take a moment to Thank everyone for supporting the fundraising events and activities that I have been involved in over the years.

I look forward to seeing you all out and about in our community usually Freshchoice and Countdown!