Hero photograph
Board of Trustees
Photo by pixabay.com

Board of Trustees

Omokoroa No.1 School —

Message from the BoT.

As we come to the end of Term 3, the Board of Trustees would like to thank our entire school community for their efforts during lockdown and for helping our students with their return to school.

Fingers crossed, the remainder of the year is not affected by further lockdowns but it is reassuring to know that our teaching and support staff are prepared if it is. Previous lockdowns have demonstrated that we’re quickly able to adapt our teaching environment from on-site to on-line and our students can continue their education at home.

We are very grateful for the $43,000 grant from Grassroots Trust that has given us the opportunity to purchase a Minibus for the school. The Minibus will enable teachers to create more opportunities to extend the students educational experiences beyond the classroom.

The BOT recently met with our Fundraising Committee to discuss progress with current school projects and also upcoming (and future) fundraising events.

The planning and design of our school’s new Outdoor Learning Environment is underway and is supported by the stellar efforts of our Fundraising Committee and their supporters over the past year or so.

See attached Outdoor Learning Environment concept drawings.

Over the holidays, the ‘Red Room’ will be removed from school and the physical work will start on our Outdoor Learning Environment in its place. The completion of this space is scheduled for completion in March/April 2022. Alongside the creation of our Outdoor Learning Environment are the outdoor areas by Room 13 and 10 which will undergo refurbishment as well. Projects such as these are only possible thanks to the wonderful work completed by our Fundraising Committee and the support of our school community and generous sponsors. Finally, we wish all the best to Jacqui Sedgwick who leaves Omokoroa No1 School after 6 years as a Teacher Aide and 11 years as a parent. We wish Jacqui and Neil all the best on their new venture in Oamaru.