Hero photograph
Calendar Art
Photo by Omokoroa No.1 School

Calendar Art

Omokoroa No.1 School —

Turning your childs picture into unique products!

Students are working on their art work for calendars that will be available for parents to purchase.

These are perfect gifts for busy parents – customised with each child’s artwork and ready to go for Christmas - grandparents simply love them

Due to Covid Level 2, the MoE are limiting unnecessary office contact, therefore the easiest and recommended way to order is through our school shop here:

School Shop                   

If you are unable to complete the order online, you can print the attached order form and send the money into the school office or pay by internet banking.

Omokoroa No.1 School 

Bank Account : 02-0466-0242503-000 

Please use each child's name, class and Calendar Art as reference.

Orders will close on Thursday 30th September.  Due to Covid the arrival date is still to be confirmed and we will advise when we have this (they will be here in time for Christmas).

The options are:

Calendars $15

Cards $12

Diaries $16

Mouse Mats $14

Sketch Pads $12