Hero photograph
Road crossing
Photo by pixabay.com

Transport Safety Plan

Omokoroa No.1 School —

Some reminders when dropping your child at school.

Thank you to all of the parents that have managed to consistently follow the rules. However, there have been a couple of parents not using the patrolled crossing point with their children after school which is not appreciated or safe. 

We realise that it will take you an extra minute to get to your car but strongly feel that this is the best way to ensure all students are safe and that as parents you are role modelling appropriate road safety skills to your children.


- Use the CROSSING when walking to cars parked on Orchard side of the road.

- Indicate left when turning into the Bus Bay.

- Once in the Bus Bay check for oncoming traffic before making U-turn.

- Do not make U-turn from the 'Stop, Drop, and Go' Zone.