Sponsors 2023
Please support these businesses!
We would like to thank those businesses that already support our school by advertising in our newsletter and supporting our fundraising events.
They are:
- Narellan Pools
- Acre Technologies
- Betta Blinds
- Hirepool
- Jarden
- Sharp Tudhope Lawyers
Please support these businesses so they in turn can support us!
We would love to hear from any of our local businesses that would like to be involved in working with us by advertising in our newsletter or sponsoring our other fundraising events throughout the year.
To have your Company Logo in our fortnightly newsletter costs $150.00 per year or $75 for half a year. The newsletter is emailed to all our school families, posted on our website and facebook page.
For any further information please contact the office on reception@omokoroa.school.nz