Hero photograph
Photo by Omokoroa No.1 School

Wild About NZ

Omokoroa No.1 School —

WANZ has been having a great time learning about the native trees around school.

We've made QR codes we'll be putting up on the native trees so students can identify and learn more about what's in their own backyard. We also went on a trip to Puketoki reserve in the hopes of catching an eel. When we got to the stream it was happily waiting for us outside the trap and the students learned about the incredible life of the endemic and threatened long fin eel. We made kora (fresh water cray fish) habitats from bricks, sticks and ferns and placed in the water for the kora. Lastly, we had a fun game of camouflage in the forest before heading back to school. We're looking forward to some adventures with insects and exploring the shoreline later in the term.