Omokoroa No.1 School — Jul 2, 2021

We're so close to the end of term! And what a busy term it has been.

Day trips, Cross country, Lit quiz, Winter Sports, Cycle safety, Rippa World Cup…as well as all the important core class work, our students have been so busy! Our children are so lucky to have so many opportunities presented to them both in and out of class. Thank you to our staff for all their hard work and parents and whanau for their support of our programmes this term.

As you may have been aware, our Year 7 & 8 students have had a particularly busy past couple of weeks, with 30 students taking part in our bi-annual Sports Camp at Totara Springs in Matamata last week, while our other Senior students took part in a Young Writers Workshop and visited the National Field Days.

The Board of Trustees is very proud to offer these amazing opportunities to our Year 7 & 8 students. Thank you to our school community for your support of our Mana Takina programme!

Thanks also to our school community for adopting the new parking structure, and those utilising the top field parking area at the end of each day. Refinements to this are ongoing, and we will look to make some changes to the entry/exit of the upper field parking area in consultation with the WBOPDC Travel Safe team.

Finally, thank you to all the parents who expressed an interest in the recently vacant Board position. The Board of Trustees have selected Paul Hansen to join the Board for the remainder of the current term. Paul received considerable community backing in our previous elections, but was unlucky not to make the Board (decided upon by a coin toss!). We look forward to Paul’s contribution to the governance of Omokoroa No.1 School in the coming months.

Enjoy the last two weeks of term and have a safe break!