Vicki Henderson — March 12, 2025
Opihi College hosted the successful Relay for Life 2025 on March 8th - 9th
Last weekend, Opihi College had the privilege of hosting the Relay for Life 2025 for the South Canterbury Cancer Society. Months of planning had gone into the relay and it was such a huge success. So far it has raised over $55000 for our local cancer society.
Opihi College did not enter a school team, but instead the students were encouraged to enter a team with their family and friends, which many of them did. Special congratulations goes to Tony Milne our Head Student, who spoke at the opening ceremony by reading the Cancer Society oath, and also to Whaea Kimi and our Kapa Haka group who performed at the opening ceremony. It truly was special. Also a huge thanks to Bruce Mattingly for getting the grounds ready for this event.
As we walked through the night, the tiredness and sore muscles kicked in. But every lap that we completed, we always walked past the three flags - Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. That was what the relay was all about. Celebrate cancer survivors. Remember loved ones who have died from cancer. Fight against cancer and work to end it for everyone.
We would like to thank everyone who supported the Relay for Life.