Hero photograph
Indian spices
Photo by Sara Marlowe

Improving employee communication

Lesley Brook —

An Applied Management student has helped a local business address identified issues.

The manager of the restaurant Indian Spice, in Green Island, Dunedin, identified that there was a communication gap between the employees and difficulty in completing tasks in a systematic way. The miscommunication between employees had resulted in confusion over orders, the wrong degree of spiciness, and delays in serving customers while orders were rectified.

Applied Management student Kunwar Hemant Garg was asked to research how Indian Spice restaurant could improve employee communication to reduce delays and provide better customer satisfaction.He surveyed 21 dine-in and 17 takeaway customers, interviewed the manager, and surveyed the other four staff. He also interviewed managers of two other Indian restaurants.

His recommendations to the manager were to:

  • Make a kitchen display solution a component of the point-of-sale system. (recommendation from academic supervisor and researcher);
  • Consider tablet point of sale technology;
  • Train wait-staff to write down orders and repeat them back to customers; and
  • Teach servers to visually verify every item at the pass station. 

Implementation of these recommendations is expected to improve communication of orders and therefore improve customer service.  

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