A group exhibition at the Dunedin School of Art in October 2022 explored issues of global mass consumer culture.
These folk are not Young Emergents, they have been around the block. They are here through common concerns identified by Bridie Lonie.
Australian artist Michele Beevors shows 3D structures, assembled from the detritus of consumer culture. They resonate through hard/soft, and tiny/large-scale contrast. Her two commanding works, Choking Hazard (shown above) and Technicolour Yawn from the series debbiedoesdisney, stand alone and together - as dire physical reflections, utterly of our era.
Michele Beevors is a Principal Lecturer in Sculpture at Dunedin School of Art whose art practice focuses on large scale knitted anatomies and thinking through the problematic histories of objects. Her sculptural work is inspired by second wave feminism, the history of sculpture, science, craft traditions, the politics of labour, ecological anxiety and the tragedy of our failure to see the interconnectedness of everything.
David Green projects cinematic-video works; data-mined fragmented histories and blurred memories. Disturbing particles of the past, which can only appear through and as digitised imagery in motion. They animate from real-life as familiar ghosts in real-time (on screen and back wall in above image).
David Green is a video installation artist who lectures in Electronic Arts at the Dunedin School of Art. He is interested in applying the phenomenology and the neurology of perception to the collaborative engagement between artwork and viewer. Currently a PhD candidate in the department of Media, Film, and Communication at Otago University, his praxis of ‘disarticulated cinema’ focuses on temporal and spatial redistributions of cinematic content into a variety of navigable spaces.
Nothing exceeds like excess, we are of that time . . .