Hero photograph
Still from Catch-combat game
Photo by Hailey Cadzow


Lesley Brook —

In a student-designed game, players clear underwater monsters from their island waters.

Otago Polytechnic offers a game design specialisation in both the Bachelor of Design (Communications) and the Bachelor of Information Technology, looking at either the design or development aspect of games. Hailey Cadzow opted for the creative option in Communication Design, producing a game for her final year project:

"In 'Catch-Combat', the once-peaceful waterways around your island are now infested with dangerous monsters! Fish them up and battle using real-time third person combat. Work with the island folk, gear up, and take on increasingly tougher opponents. Clear the waters and make your home safe once again."

Hailey used Unreal Engine 5 to design Catch-Combat. The game is her personal take on the third person action genre. This was a solo project so she had to work on every aspect of game design, from coding to animation. She enjoyed the opportunity to learn a lot of new skills in the process.