Lesley Brook — May 25, 2022

A final year project provided an opportunity for student Aimee Smith to express her creativity in new ways.

Communication Design student Aimee Smith challenged herself for her final year project by opting to work with No 8 Distillery on product label and packaging design. 

"I like to visually move people by creating design work that focuses on the details."

No 8 Distillery produces a range of gins and liqueurs and provided Aimee with the opportunity to design for the Limoncello and Elderflower Liqueurs and the Pineapple Rum Elixir. Aimee found heaps of inspiration for the liqueur bottle labels and tried many different concepts before settling on a background pattern of tiny flowers related to each product. A reversed colour scheme for the two products connected them as part of a series.

For the Pineapple Rum Elixir a pirate theme was appropriate. The label for the neck of the bottle includes an aged map of Dunedin's Pineapple Track in a postage stamp design. Aimee also designed a box like a treasure chest; she envisaged the bottle nestling into a cardboard insert decorated with gold coins.