Hero photograph
Still shot from promotional short film
Photo by Joshua Caldwell

Celebrating endurance

Lesley Brook —

A Communication Design student wants to inspire people to spend more time outdoors.

 Cactus Outdoors, a Christchurch-based company, have partnered with many of our product design students to develop ideas to extend their range of products. So they knew to come to Otago Polytechnic to ask one of our Communication Design students to create an integrated advertising campaign for their limited edition 25th Anniversary Zero Pack. 

Joshua Caldwell took up this project for Cactus. He describes his design principles: 

"My design is intended to educate people with discreet messages through multiple platforms that catch the public's eye in the hope to inspire and educate the viewer. I wish to be able to capture extreme breathtaking moments, to share with fellow enthusiasts that hold the same pure excitement for the massive backyard called earth."

For Cactus Outdoors Joshua produced a short film, social media posts, posters, and a banner targeting their selected audience while promoting the company to new customers.

Find out more about working with our Communication Design students.