Hero photograph
Photo by Lesley Brook

In the dogbox

Lesley Brook —

A custom dogbox was Jack Todd's final year Product Design project.

For my major project, I decided to take on the challenge of designing a dogbox. I worked with engineering experts from Todd Engineering Ltd to enhance my design. 

The aim of this project was to design and manufacture a dogbox to fit on a mainstream ute, learning about sheet metal manufacturing processes along the way. The design had to be user friendly, and contain a storage compartment.

I wanted to design a basic, strong dogbox and learn from this for the future. I found this project valuable because I was making it alongside specialists, and they were able to provide constructive criticism on my design in order for it to gain structural integrity, as well as teaching me material limitations and construction processes. I plan to look into flat-pack dogboxes and refining my design so it is easier to assemble.