Hero video
Video by Fortune Theatre

Grounded at the Fortune Theatre

Lesley Brook —

We’re delighted to have worked alongside the Fortune Theatre to bring to life and promote the production of Grounded

Grounded was on at Fortune Theatre from 13 August until 3 September 2016. This play is a unique theatre experience combining the skill of actor Claire Chitham, a powerful script by George Brant and video, animation and projection provided by Otago Polytechnic students.

When an unexpected pregnancy grounds an F16 fighter pilot, she is repurposed to flying remote-controlled drones in the Middle East from an air-conditioned trailer in the desert outside Las Vegas. As the pressure to find a high-profile target builds, the boundaries between the desert where she lives and the one she patrols half-a-world away begin to blur.

The Fortune Theatre's General Manager Bob King says: "The marketing collateral was developed by design students to market the show, this included web, print and posters.  Working with them was a pleasure, having presented us with a number of options, taking on our feedback then distilling it down to the version presented to the public to promote the play.  Their use of graphics and fonts truly captures the essence of Grounded and we are grateful for their contribution to this collaboration.  They are a tribute to the design course at the Otago Polytechnic both in their professional interactions with theatre staff and producing work of commercial quality.

"We can’t express our thanks highly enough to the work and dedication of Jon Wilson, together with  students Christopher Clapham and Joshua Hunter, in respect to the film and graphics used in the play.  Their tireless effort to bring the film and digital elements together required to tell the story is beyond what we envisaged or hoped for from this collaboration.  Again they exemplify the willingness and professionalism of the staff and students to get behind this collaboration to ensure everyone gets to experience work that is truly professional in quality.      

Phil Ker, Otago Polytechnic's Chief Executive was pleased with the opportunity for our students to gain valuable professional experience and for our staff to contribute their expertise to benefit the community.  We look forward to the prospect of partnering again on future productions.