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Kuang Ma | Master of Design Enterprise | Otago Polytechnic
Video by Otago Polytechnic

Changing the world one product at a time

Lesley Brook —

Kuang Ma loves to have something where you can control the movement rather than just programming a computer.

Originally from China, Kuang graduated in Singapore with a Diploma in Mechatronics and set up several companies where he worked on developing automation, robotic and drone products. After completing a Master of Science in Manufacturing System Engineering in Hong Kong, Kuang moved back to China before coming to New Zealand to work with Professor Tom Qi at Otago Polytechnic on electric vehicle development.

Here he completed a Master of Design Enterprise. “My companies developed engineering products which had very advanced technology and were very cost effective but the customers often weren’t happy. After I started the Masters programme I knew why, it was because the designs weren’t human-centred.” For his Masters, Kuang designed a universal robot chassis for agriculture automation. This wheeled robot can be scaled up or down for application in any industry.

Professor Tom Qi likes to see students pick up his ideas and run with them, both while they are studying and after graduation. Kuang is still developing electronics and automation gears, including robots. He works for Kamahi Electronics which creates complex electronic products for clients globally in a wide range of industries. Focused on his passion for designing and debugging prototypes, Kuang also handles project management and collaborations with Kamahi's many Chinese suppliers and manufacturers.

Read more about the Master of Design Enterprise programme here.