Massage by professional osteopathy therapist

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by @javi_indy (Freepik)

Osteopaths' professional development

There are benefits and barriers for osteopaths undertaking continuing professional development.

Osteopaths provide primary health care that focuses on the structure of the body and how it functions. Techniques used by osteopaths in providing treatment include stretching and massage for soft tissues, such as muscles, tendons and ligaments, and mobilisation and manipulation, for joints for example. Registered osteopaths are required to undertake  continuing professional development (CPD) to stay abreast of new developments in treatment.

Emma Fairs, a registered osteopath and lecturer at Ara Institute of Canterbury, investigated the beliefs and understanding of the New Zealand osteopathic profession about CPD. Emma conducted a survey which was completed by 285 (48%) registered osteopaths in New Zealand. Over 82% of respondents completed CPD because it was a requirement of recertification, but 90% also felt motivated to complete CPD because it assisted with clinical practice and improved their knowledge, skills and attitudes. 

Practitioners believed their theoretical and practical skills and communication skills improved following CPD completion. As well as what they saw as the perceived benefit of completing CPD, the survey asked osteopaths how they decided what CPD to undertake, and whether they had any barriers accessing CPD. Just over half of respondents stated they chose CPD based on their clinical focus and particular interests. Barriers to CPD include time, cost, availability and work-life balance and seem to be magnified for the female respondent.