Nicholas Bowker-Napp's coffin design by Nicholas Bowker-Napp

DIY coffin

An opportunity to do something for the deceased may help the grieving process.

Student Nicholas Bowker-Napp seeks to use his Product Design skills to create outcomes which are both empathetic and ecologically conscious. For his final year project he chose to produce a new coffin design to help people through bereavement, to address the disconnect between the bereaved and the funeral process which often occurs in our culture.

Nick used 2D ideation and 3D physical rapid prototyping to design the coffin. The result is an a-form coffin made of moulded paper and plywood. It is low cost and has low environmental impact. 

More importantly, it is a kit for DIY assembly, providing an opportunity for the bereaved community to come together with a tactile interaction to tie into and begin the journey of grief together.